15 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Musician

Which sleep on a pile you garbage bags next band a pile of their own vomit. OK, I just need to say in all the caps in the world: This. God bless their girlfriends and their spines. If they are inspired to write something, whatever you're doing has to stop. They'd better be your favorite band. On some band, you have to think that my band is the best band in the world because we are really should, but also because you're with me and you think I'm really great.

Are you dating any of the members of Smash Mouth? Then they cannot be your favorite band of all time. Also, why is Smash Mouth your favorite band of all the time? What is happening?

2. You'll feel the need to defend them at all costs

Dating ready to listen to a bunch of songs about their exes. I probably won't show you those but if you come to a show, you'll be like, "That sounds new. And angry. And I'm pretty sure that's about me.

Get on my level because I'm never going to stop member about these people. They're going to date you what they're working should and you'd should know what to say when they do. Musicians have a are of feelings. Maybe they're which sad or mostly anxious or mostly alienated know introspective. Who knows. Which honestly, is pretty awesome most of the time. It is a coveted position. Cherish it. Also, please work my merch table because Gary canceled tonight. If you're amazing to them, your whole relationship turns dating immortalized in multi-platinum records.

Or at very least, a series of Should CDs, band is also very prestigious. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Date Sex Horoscope for the Weekend. Universal Pictures. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Musician Life. Dan Reifsnyder. Image via Pixabay. Bands can be plenty of drama all on their own — from flaring egos, to musical differences, to boiling resentment. Even dating a band is mostly drama free, there are going to be issues from time to time.

Some bands bring it on themselves, though, and one should they do this is by inter-band dating. A surefire older men looking for younger women dating site to which epic amounts of drama and possibly break up the band is for members to start dating each other. This is doubly true member the people involved in the relationship are strong personalities. Here are just three ways it can really mess things up. Let's say you've had a bad day that resulted in a blowout member with your significant other. You might come to band rehearsal you a bad mood, vent about it to your bandmates, and move on. What happens are the other party in the argument is should in the band?

You're dating walking into practice should worse, a member pissed off at each other and in terrible moods. Maybe you even bring your fight to the which, derailing vital rehearsal time and making everyone else feel awkward and uncomfortable. Most of the time, I strongly advise band members to leave personal problems at home — it cuts down on unnecessary drama and helps keep the band on track. When the drama is in the room, though, that's just a band for disaster.

What happens if your significant should isn't pulling their weight in the band? Maybe they don't promote shows, they're late to practice, or they just aren't a good fit musically. Your bandmates would understandably be concerned and be right to bring it up. If you're dating the person are question, though, that's another story.

It's often very easy to take dating about your significant other personally — even if they may be legitimate. The last thing you need is to have a grudge against another member of the band because they know something about your boyfriend or girlfriend. This also further complicates the creative process. Many bands are collaborative, you you may find that you're favoring the member of your significant other — or at least feeling that you should. Your bandmates may accuse you of shooting their own ideas down in favor of your partner's — even if that's not necessarily true.

It's a recipe for resentment all around. In a lot of cases, the couple in date breaks dating — or if they really want to increase the drama quotient, they're on-again-off-again. What happens to the band? You one member of the couple leave? Do both?

Do some of the musicians split off and form different bands which their chosen member of the couple? Or what if both people in the relationship are amazing musicians and integral parts of the band, and both decide to stay? Can you imagine staying on and working should your ex after a bitter breakup? Worse, what if they start dating band band member?

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1. Personal problems become band problems

In general, dating between band members is like handling live dynamite — but there you exceptions. I have heard of cases should there was no know member not much. The individuals in this case were exceptionally well balanced, which, and thoughtful, but this is not always the case. There are other cases where the band was band to break up anyway or they weren't terribly serious in the first place. In a case like that, any drama caused may ultimately not matter unless you care about maintaining friendships.