Data Recovery Tips

How to Recover ST1000LM035-1RK172 HDD with LED Error

How to Recover ST1000LM035-1RK172 HDD with LED Error

This article introduces one case study on how to recover lost data from one patient HDD of ST1000LM035-1RK172 with LED error within the COM terminal. HDD ID Patient drive: ST1000LM035-1RK172 SN:WDEB845P Firmware: SBM3 Capacity: 1TB Reported...


How to Recover Lost Data from ST1000LM035-1RK172 with Partial Sector Access

How to Recover Lost Data from ST1000LM035-1RK172 with Partial Sector Access

When users get the Seagate LM hdds with partial sector access, users can access to only 1%, 4%, 10% , 30% or 60% of the drives and the remained unaccessed sectors are not possible to see and recover. The case we are going to discuss today is...


How to Recover Toshiba DT01ACA100 Patient Drives

How to Recover Toshiba DT01ACA100 Patient Drives

Toshiba 3.5″ DT01ACA100 Patient Drives are actually using Hitachi hard drives, to recover lost data from Toshiba DT01ACA100 Drives, users need to Hitachi firmware repair tools and data recovery tools. This Toshiba DT01ACA100 patient HDD...


How to Recover Seagate ST1000LM035 Capacity 0 Hard Drive

How to Recover Seagate ST1000LM035 Capacity 0 Hard Drive

To recover lost data from Seagate ST1000LM035 patient hard drive with capacity 0 firmware corruption, it is not possible by common data recovery tools or data recovery software. It’s not possible to access the data area while the capacity...


500GB Western Digital My Passport Hard Drive Dropped

500GB Western Digital My Passport Hard Drive Dropped

“I have a 500gb Western Digital, My passport hard drive. I was using it today looking at files when I dropped it. When i plug it back in to my Mac it says cannot read hard drive. So it detects it but cannot open it. I want to pay a...


WD20EARX-32PASB0 Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Solution

WD20EARX-32PASB0 Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Solution

WD20EARX-32PASB0 hard drive in this case study is actually one SATA hard drive used with the WD USB3.0 My BOOK portable hard drive enclosure. When connecting this portable drive to pc, the PC has no response at all. The user removed the external...


Why does VCR scanning show only a few bad sectors while online scanning show a lot?

Why does VCR scanning show only a few bad sectors while online scanning show a lot?

Q:Why does VCR scanning show only a few bad sectors while online scanning show a lot? A: Because softwares like VCR/MHDD do not scan a single LBA at a time, by default it scans 256 LBAs at a time. If there is a bad block in 256 LBAs, one error...


How to Recover Data from Scratched Hard Drives

How to Recover Data from Scratched Hard Drives

It has been the top secret on how to recover lost data from scratched hard drives until Dolphin Data Lab released their Scratched hard drive data recovery tools and training courses. To recover scratched hard drives, the very first step is to...


Seagate HDD Repair Tips and Tricks

Seagate HDD Repair Tips and Tricks

As for Seagate HDD Repair, it depends mostly on selftest. The FW area of Seagate hard drives is relatively stable and you need to understand the Seagate hdd repair commands before you want to repair the damaged Seagate HDD. Selfrepair and Selftest A...


Seagate HDD Repair Common Commands

Seagate HDD Repair Common Commands

Seagate Hard Drive Structure Seagate hard drives has almost the similar basic structure with Maxtor hard drives. The only difference is the way to access to the firmware area. The two serial bus pins of the jumper ports of Seagate hard drives...